Warning this is going to be a long one
The Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP) founded in 1975 but
it had existed as the Revolutionary Union (RU) prior to this. The RCP’s official ideology is Maoism though
according to some critics including from fellow Maoists is more interested in
validating its leader Bob Avakian. The RCP despite its small size has managed
to become known around the world; unfortunately its reputation is nothing to be
proud of.
In 1973 the RU published a well very odd paper that would
become the backbone of it’s and then the RCP’s most controversial social
policy. The title of this paper was “Position Paper of the Revolutionary Union On Homosexuality and Gay Liberation” it doesn’t make for
pleasant reading. It’s a list of
justifications for opposing homosexuality, for a start it outright states you
can’t be a Communist if your gay.
While gay people can be anti-imperialists we feel that they cannot be Communists.
Overall it seems hypocritical and incoherent.
For example Male homosexuality is accused of
reinforcing male chauvinism
because it apparently “turns its back on the struggle between men and women”.
Lesbianism on the other hand is an escape from Male Chauvinism even though the
paper accuses both putting a barrier between men and women.