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Saturday, 16 November 2019

Wall of Shame - Footnotes

These are the footnotes for the post Wall of Shame, the reason I've separated them is because the work has grown so large that its broken blogger.


1: How Much More of This, Old Boy-- ?: Scenes from a Reporter's Life, Peter Paterson p.181




5: Meisner Mao's China and After- page 353






11: The Elections to the National Assembly (December 1918)

12: The Zapatista Uprising and Civil Society





17: John Peter Nettl, Rosa Luxemburg (1966) page 767










27: Marxism and the Problems of Linguistics Pravda, 1950

28:  Speech to 20th Congress of the C.P.S.U.


29: Speech to 20th Congress of the C.P.S.U.

30: Note found in Stalin's personal effects.


32: Birth of a Revolutionary Movement in Yugoslavia - Fredy Perlman

33: Idib


35:  Yugoslavery Yugoslavia: Capitalism and Class struggle 1918-1967, BM Blob

36: Gay in the Gulag


38: Nehru and the Indian Armed Forces, a lecture by General J N Chaudhuri, 5th May 1973

39: Communist Election platform 1936-

40:  "Interview with Gil Green." New Studies in the Politics and Culture of U.S. Communism. New York: Monthly Review, 1993.


42: Letter to Jaidev Gupta July 24, 1930 -

43: Why I am an Atheist October 1930

44:  Beware, Ye Bureaucracy December 1928 -

45: To Young Political Workers February 1931 -

46: IRSP press release on formal adoption of Marxism, 20 September 1984


48: Connollism; Solidarity for Workers Power - Volume 07 number 11

49: The Blast 1916 issue, The Only Hope of Ireland

50: The Civil War in France - Karl Marx

51: An Interview With Karl Marx - Red Menace #4 - Volume 3, Number 1 - Winter 1979

52: 1891 Introduction to the Civil War in France

53:  Remarks  quoted  in Basile Guissou, Burkina Faso, un espoir en Afrique, l’Harmattan, (Paris 1995), p. 75-76

54: The Polish Crisis of 1981-82


56: The Japanese Communist Party: Organization and Resilience in the Midst of Adversity Lam Peng Er Pacific Affairs Vol. 69, No. 3 (Autumn, 1996)





61: 20 Songs and Transatlantic Exchgange. 2007



64: March 26, 1971.. and after


66: From the New Jewel Movement Manifesto first published in 1973

67: The ABC of NJM circa 1974

68: The Truth of the Revolution, published in 1980


70: Trade Agreement Between His Brittanic Majesty's Government and the Government of the Russian Socialist Federal Soviet Republic 1921

71: Revolution in Iran: Was it possible in 1921? - Fred Halliday Khamsin:Journal of Revolutionary Socialists of the Middle East, Issue number 07

72: Ethiopian Dictator Sentenced to Prison, Associated Press 2007,

73: Class and Revolution in Ethiopia by John Markakis and Naga Ayale published in 1978. 

74: Calls for Mengistu Extradition

75: A Look Back at the Battle of Massawa, TESFA News

76: Ethiopian Jews and Israelis Exult as Airlift Is Completed, New York Tribune, 1991

77: Evil Days: Thirty Years of War and Famine in Ethiopia, pg 170

78: Idib, pg 185

79: Biography of M.N. Roy at Marxist Internet Archive

80: Mass Grave Uncovered in Mongolia June 2003 RTE

81: Prelude to violence: Show trials and state power in 1930s Mongolia, Christopher Kaplonski

82: `Interview of the Century` Interview with Chairman Gonzalo, El Diario archived vers

83: Shining Path Leader Confesses to Killings, Denies Drug Crime, March 2012

84:  Peru: LGBT Community Targeted During Armed Conflict, Telesur November 2014

85: Until the Rulers Obey: Voices from Latin American Social Movements

86: Untold Terror: Violence Against Women in Peru's Armed Conflict Chapter VI, page 43

87:  From Kafr al-Dawwar to Kharga’s ‘Desert Hell Camp’: the repression of Communist workers in Egypt, 1952-1965, Derek Alan Ide

88: The Communist Movement in Egypt in 1920-88 pg 116-7

89: Idib pg 126


91: Figures taken from

92: Prominent Enemy of Syria's Assad Is Slain in Paris, July 1980 Washington Post

93: AWOL Magazine, Yuri Kochiyama: On War, Imperialism, Osama bin Laden, And Black-Asian Politics

94: Idib

95: Saudis secretly funding Taliban, The Independent 1998,

96: Robert Parry, Hollywood’s Dangerous Afghan Illusion

97: China congratulates Jair Bolsonaro on election as Brazilian president, Xinhua 30th October 2018

98: Exit Emperor Kim Jong Il: Notes from his Former Mentor

99: Comrades no more? How North Korea picked sides in the Sino-Soviet split June 2018 NK News

100: Massimo L. Salvadori, Gramsci e il problema Storico della Democrazia, English translation from Paul Piccone's Italian Marxism, also published as a separate article Gramsci's Marxism versus Lenin's

101: Selections from the Prison Notebooks: Antonio Gramsci, this version was published in 1999 by Elec Books.

102: Both quotations come from Italian Marxism by Paul Piccone.


104: Gramsci and Political Theory: Marxism Today 1977

105: Gramsci's Marxism versus Lenin's by Paul Piccone

106: Long Walk to Freedom Book by Nelson Mandela, 1995.

107: External Mission the ANC in Exile 1960-1990, Stephen Ellis

108: Extract from Nelson Mandela's Address to a Rally in Cape Town on his Release from prison 
11 February 1990
109: Department of Justice and Constitutional Development of the Republic of South Africa, The Truth and Reconciliation Official Website, Accessed 2 October 2001
110:  Mandela family rakes in millions - report News 24 archives
111: Marikana 1 Year Later: Benjamin Fogel archived at
112:  Cyril Ramaphosa: The true betrayal, by Ranjeni Munusamy 27 October 2012

113:  A short history of the People's Republic of Benin (1974 - 1990), Socialist Appeal

114: Goodbye to all that: The Short and Sad story of Socialism in Benin, Chris Allen

115: Idib

116:  Beninese campaign for economic justice and democracy, 1989-90, Max Rennebohm

117: Idib

118: Obama and Xi Try to Avoid a Cold War Mentality June 2013 New York Times

119: African Socialism Revisited, Kwame Nkrumah 1967

120: Thomas Sankara's speech to the 39th Session of the UN General Assembly in October 1984


122: Saddam his Rise and Fall, Con Coughlin

123: Idib.

124: The Encyclopaedia of Middle East Wars: The United States in the Persian Gulf  pg 30

125: Talks at the Chengtu Conferrence March 1958, Mao Zedong

126: Mao's China and After -A History of the People's Republic 3rd edition, Maurice Meisner

127: Transcript of a speech Margaret Thatcher gave to the Romanian Prime Minister at a dinner in 1981

128:  Nicolae Ceaușescu's comments while visiting Sweden in November 1980

129: Enver Hoxha Reflections on China, page 576-577

130: The Bookseller f Kabul: Asne Seierstad

131: Lin Biao, Report to the Ninth National Congress of the Communist Party of China,

132: Quotations are from Huey P. Newtons autobiography, Revolutionary Suicide

133:  Julian Amery MP letter to MT (Prime Minister's visit to Poland) [relations between western Europe and East Europe] [declassified Jul 2016]

134: From an Open Letter published in 1985 

135: report includes denunciations by North Korea of claims it has ben supporting both Hamas and Hezbollah.


137: Ojibwa Warrior, Autobiography of Dennis Banks 

138: Idib



141: Celia Sanchez and the Cuban Revolution, Counter Punch

142: Angela Davis: an Autobiography

143: Carmichael, in ‘Objective’ View, Sees Hitler as ‘Greatest White’ Fred Ferretti April 1970

144: Che's Anarchist Grandson 1974-2015’s-grandson-anarchist

145: The 27 May in Angola: a view from below Lara Pawson

147:  The road from Naxalbari; VENKITESH RAMAKRISHNAN

148: Idib

149: Why did Chavismo fail? A balance sheet from the left opposition 2018

150: A Basic Understanding of the Communist Party of China, pp. 46-47

151: Speech extract taken from

152: Our Reply to the Conciliators of Revisionism, a document denouncing Eugene Dennis and his leadership of the party

153:  Castro turned his back on anti-Francoists”: interview with Octavio Alberola - Aitor Azurki“castro-turned-his-back-anti-francoists”-interview-octavio-alberola-aitor-azurki

154: The Cuban Revolution, a critical perspective - Sam Dolgofff

155: Comoros a Country Study -

156: Idib.

157:  Ali Soilihi: President comes 30 years too early ALI SOILIHI'S CLOSE-UP (machine translated from French)

158: Comoros a Country Study -

159: How to Stage a Military Coup: From Planning to Execution - page 136

160: Seychelles a Country Study 1994- 

161:  Seychelles: legal concern: Frank Kilindo, dockworker 1991

162:  Seychelles: Torture: Jean Francois 

163:  U.S. still willing to aid Seychelles, October 1985, Washington Times 

164: Seychelles: Security Concerns -

165:  Seychelles' first Defence Minister, Ogilvy Berlouis, passes

166:  President Xi Jinping’s keynote speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland: 

167: Wildcat Strikes at Walmart China, 2016


169: Gender war and social stability in Xi’s China: Interview with a friend of the Women’s Day Five (1st half)’s-china-interview-friend-women’s-day-five-1st-half-19032015

170:  In China, The Communist Party's Latest, Unlikely Target: Young Marxists
171: Africa's Tarnished Name - Chinua Achebe, 1998

172: The Question of Nationalities or "Autonomisation"  - Lenin 1922

173:  China: A Modern Social-Imperialist Power An Integral Part of the Capitalist-Imperialist System An Analysis by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of India (Maoist)

175: Military-NPA Ceasefire starts June 21st, 14th June 2018
176:  ILPS extends solidarity to massive protest actions in Hong Kong
177: Rosa Luxemburg, The Russian Tragedy, September 1918
178: From Lenin at the Eleventh party Congress of the Bolsheviks
179: Officials must become true servants of the people; Talk to officials of party, administrative and economic organs December 28 1992. Kim Il Sung
180: UFOs, Dolphins, Nuclear war and Communism, the stranger than Science Fiction political party.

181: A Critical assessment of the former Latin American Bureau tendency within the Fourth International

182: Arafat by Alan Hart page 184

183: Syria and the 1975-76 civil war in Lebanon, Karol R. Sorby, Asian and African Studies Volume 20

184: The Syrian Intervention in Lebanon 1975-76: A failure of strategy by Lt Col Theodore J. Strout

185:Its a Class Struggle Goddamit! Speech at Illinois University November 1969

186: Idib

187: We Want Freedom: A Life in the Black Panther Party by Mumia Abu-Jabal

188: Revolutionary Suicide by Huey P. Newton

189: JCP calls for immediate cessation of suppression in Hong Kong
190: Hugo Chavez and the Bolivarian Revolution: Populism and Democracy in a globalised age, Barry Cannon
191; “What is the problem? I am also a Trotskyist!” - Chavez is sworn in as president of Venezuela by In Defence of Marxism
192: Land Reform in Venezuela: Small Farmers receive land, equipment, credit
193: Vetelca - the story of the first ever Bolivarian factory by El Libertario
194: Venezuela: 43 arrests on union march in Maracay 12/03/2010
195: The Takedown of  Kabul: An effective Coup de Mains by Lester W.Grau
196: Chinese Ambassador Comments on Afghanistan 28 May 1978
197: An April Day That Changed Afghanistan 3: The legacy of the Saur Revolution’s war crimes , Patricia Grossman
198: Idib
199: Sadeq Alamyar report by Trial International
200: Afghanistan the first five years of  Soviet Occupation, J Bruce Armstutz
201: Idib
202:  Revolution Unending by Gilles Dorronsoro
203: Articles of the Constitution of Afghanistan 1990 204: The predictable rise of a red bourgeoisie: the end of a mythical Nepalese Maoist 'revolution' 205: Chinese Deliver Arms to Nepal; 25th November 2005 206: Nepal’s Basanta: Re-evaluating Prachanda and his path,
Nepalese Maoists restate intention to ban strikes and other news
The predictable rise of a red bourgeoisie: the end of a mythical Nepalese Maoist 'revolution'
209: Libya: June 1996 Killings at Abu Salim Prison
Revolution betrayed - the Workers Revolutionary Party and Iraq
211: Gaddafi's Blood soaked hands
212: Enniskillen survivors plea to McGuinness over attack
213: The 38-year connection between Irish republicans and Gaddafi
Gaddafi visit to Italy amid protest against countries' 'illegal migration' agreement
215: Colonel Gaddafi and the British ultranationalist

216: Strike in Ghana 1961
217: Nkrumah and the Ghanaian Revolution, CLR James
218: North Korea and Zimbabwe a Friendship Explained
219:  Matabeleland: Its Struggle for National Legitimacy, and the Relevance of this in the 2008 Election
220: Exit Emperor Kim Jong Il location 1498
221: Remembering the Coup d’etat in 1996
222: Mapping a Hidden Disaster; Personal Histories of Hunger in North Korea
223: Exit Emperor Kim Jong Il location 1479
224: N Korea confesses to kidnappings Tuesday, 17 September, 2002
225: What remains when socialism is removed from North Korea?
226: Today in Korean history Yonhap News Agency
227: Regime takes up to two-thirds of salaries from workers for ‘loyalty funds’
228: Business in DPR Korea
229: A Capitalist in North Korea: my seven years in the hermit kingdom, by Felix Abt
230: Idib
231: Remembering Assad’s Hama Massacre 33 Years Later (2/2/15) Remembering Assad’s Hama Massacre 33 Years Later (2/2/15)
National Alliance, Holocaust Deniers React to 9/11 Attacks

232: Third World Nationalism and the State, by Sam Dolgoff, first edition published in 1977.
233: Tanganyika Embarrassed By Need for British Assistance; Calls For Pan-African Force To Aid In Future Crises By John D. Gerhart, March 10, 1964
234: History of Tanzania – President Nyerere
235: Nyerere’s legacy of poverty and repression in Zanzibar
236: What we can learn from Tanzania’s hidden socialist history by Selma James

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