It may be al ittle late to be posting a follow up to this, but despite the usual breakneck speed of international politics it is still in most cases better to let the dust settle a bit before comment after all the dust might not settle for a long time especially in the middle east.
Anyway despite being the biggest Publicity fuck up by an Apartheid regime since South Africas humiliating military defeat in the town Cuito Cuanavale in Angola in 87/88 by filthy inferior black skinned Angolans, and there filthy degenerate commie allies the Cubans.
Despite this there were still many in the media both here in the UK and more importantly in the US.
Some frankly baffling attempts to justify the raid.
This one is a classic example of why I really hate about American politicians,the whole "democracy is good, but woe betide thee who votes against are interests", thing is probably the root of the problem of why the US has such a terrible reputation around the world it makes them seem highly hypocritical and overtly self serving.
Anyway what of the responses by Turkey and Israel? well according to the Morning Star Israels Netanyahu despite his strong militarist rhetoric has been forced into a bit of a climbdown and has allowed some humanitarian aid mostly food including crisps and get this confectionery "Palestinian liaison official Raed Fattouh, who co-ordinates the flow of goods into Gaza with Israel, said that fizzy drinks, juice, jam, spices, shaving cream, crisps, biscuits and confectionery were now permitted". So they can't rebuild there shattered homes and treat there wounded but they can eat cake? this is the definition of bad comedy.
Thankfully Turkey unlike the impotent governments of the US and UK hasn't let its economic and military links with Israel get in the way of defending its citzens and has continued pressuring Israel and the world community "Head of the foreign relations committee in the Turkish parliament Murat Mercan said that Israel's gesture was insufficient...."To live like humans, these people need food, medicine, construction material. The children need pens and notebooks."Even if they lift the blockade on all food items, it would still not be satisfactory in any way," he said.
The Turkish PM also gave out his opinion for fun compare this statement to any western pm or president or rather don't in case of the onset of depression.""Are we going to remain silent over the murder of nine people? We can't turn a blind eye to this banditry in international waters," Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan told delegates.
Still as tragic as those nine deaths and dozens of injuries were it has at least shown the lie of the Zionist lobby in the west and maybe just maybe will have brought this destructive blockade and the abominable treatment of the Palestinians a little closer to its end.
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"Anyway despite being the biggest Publicity fuck up by an Apartheid regime since South Africas humiliating military defeat in the town Cuito Cuanavale in Angola in 87/88 by filthy inferior black skinned Angolans, and there filthy degenerate commie allies the Cubans."
ReplyDeleteIt is very clear that you are nothing more than an armchair socialist. Your views on world events are dripping with prejudice, bias and shows that you are incapable of rational thinking.
1. Before you label Cuito Cuanavale as a defeat for the South Africans, you should probably oonsult all sources on the topic. Cuito can be described as a stalemate. The Angolan Army was routed at the Lomba River and the South Africans prevented FAPLA from attacking Jamba. At the other hand, South Africa was unable to take the how do you classify this as a defeat?
The casualty figures and equipment losses speak for themselves.
2. Castro did manage to win the propoganda war and that is about it.
3. If the Cubans were the real victors then why was general Ochoa, "hero" of Cuito executed soon thereafter. For "alleged" drug trafficing charges ?
4. General Rafael del Pino defected to the US in July 1987. He paints a different picture of the Cuban war effort in Angola. He mentions high casusalties and mass desertions.
5. You make the assumption that it was a white versus black conflict. You clearly did not research this properly. Of all the SADF units at Cuito, it was only 61 Mech Battalion that could be considered white, as it mainly had conscripts serving. 101 Battalion and 32 Battallion consisted mainly of black soldiers, all volunteers.
It is intersting to note, that with the exception of the Cuban officers, it was mainly black Cubans that were sent to Angola.
Mention is made by Soviet advisers and Angolans alike of the racism of the White Cuban soldiers. The same could be said of the Soviet advisers.
Please feel free to do more research before you post crap like this again. Another option Comrade, is to go and liberate some electronics in Tottenha.
Oh you again (I know its you because your obsessed about Cuito)
ReplyDelete1. "Before you label Cuito Cuanavale as a defeat for the South Africans, you should probably oonsult all sources on the topic. Cuito can be described as a stalemate." No it can't one side achieved its objectives when the other didn't. SADF failed to take the town of Cuito Cuanavle whereas the Cubans and Angolans successfully removed the South Africans from Angolan territory. The Cubans lost 39 soldiers that's it, South Africa lost 30 and withdrew from the conflict.
2. "Castro did manage to win the propoganda war and that is about it." That is about it, if you forget the concessions South Africa had to make strengthening a Cuban ally and trading partner.
3. Ok know your on the level of a conspiracy theorist. If the Cubans failed then why make the General out to be a hero and then execute him for unrelated charges? why not pin the "defeat" on him and then imprison or execute him for that? Maybe because the two events have nothing in common.
4. "General Rafael del Pino defected to the US in July 1987. He paints a different picture of the Cuban war effort in Angola. He mentions high casusalties and mass desertions. " Keyword here, he defected to a nation that is in conflict with Cuba, its not like he has any reason at all to paint negative pictures of Cuba is it? Also why have no other credible sources from Angola, Namibia or South Africa come forward with evidence to support these accusations? you know UNITA remained active in that region of Angola for years after the battle right? why didn't they scrounge up some Cuban deserters or found mass graves?
5. No you've missed the point, I'm well aware South Africa employed large numbers of blacks in its military. The leadership of both the Armed Forces and the government where white. That was the whole justification for Apartheid the Whit Africaans "benevolently" guiding the Blacks to build a better Africa. The defeat of SADF like the defeat of every armed force has consequences for the leadership of that Military and its government. The failure of the White lead military against Black Angolans and mixed race/Hispanic Cubans humiliated the very ideology South Africa was built on.
"Mention is made by Soviet advisers and Angolans alike of the racism of the White Cuban soldiers. The same could be said of the Soviet advisers." Soviet advisers had left Angola at the time of the South African invasion, so why are you mentioning them? oh right some South Africans like to pretend the White Super power the USSR was behind the defeat to take the sting out of it.
And even that racism thing is true -I haven't heard that from any Angolan source- whats your point? they came and fought beside there Angolan allies in there time of need which given the close relationship between the governments of Cuba and Angola today suggest where more important.