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Monday 4 January 2010


Well were to begin? I guess I should explain myself to you -whoever actually manages to trawl through the oceans of the blogosphere long enough to find this little narcissistic exercise- on why I decided to put finger to keyboard and then to cyberspace. I'm as the childish title of this blog suggests no Academic Professor or media talking head, nor am I a poet or comedian of any merit. I'm just a young man from "oop North" who likes to talk to people and have a good old discussion about anything from the latest geopolitical schism or an old cartoon from the 80's I haven't see for in years whose damn catchy theme song has some how seeped back into my skull to drive me mad.

But enough about me, lets discuss the blog, what can you expect from this little corner of the web space? well I am a firm believer that all knowledge regardless of content is the greatest gift we humans can give each other, with that being said will endeavour to give you as much of an eclectic (schizophrenic) information diet as possible and after a little while see where the tide has deigned to beach us.

Though I can say that it will probably be a blend of political and social commentaries (don't worry they'll be very generalist and as non partisan as possible), as well as a few book and film look overs, you know fairly standard blogging fare.


  1. Finally, a blog worth reading! But seriously comrade, you have created a very informative blog that I will regularly check upon. Keep up the good work Rhys.

  2. Hey, I've only just discovered your blog - very exciting. I've recently moved house and my internet access is very very limited. Once I get round to reading your content, I'll give you a plug on my blog and suggest that other like minded minded bloggers check it out too (it might take a while). Good luck with the blog, and thank you for the links.

  3. Hey Kit, thanks for the kind words, I was wondering why your blog was being so quiet recently, good to hear all is well though.


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